Reporting Abuse

We like to run a clean network, so in the unlikely event of you receiving abuse from our network or systems we want to hear about it – preferably as soon as possible.

Please be sure to include as much detail as you have on:

  • Source
  • Destination
  • Nature of the abuse
  • Any applicable logs
  • Timings – please remember to state the timezone for any timestamps!

You can raise an abuse case by emailing, but please be aware that due to the rising volumes of spam we’re having to run anti-spam and anti-virus filters on this address. If you need to submit specimens of spam or virus activity, please make initial contact with us on the abuse address and we will provide you with a special, non-publicised address to which you can make any submissions if necessary.



In serious cases (defined as any occasion where you are certain that activity originating from our network is seriously impacting your service/website/network) it is pertinent and entirely acceptable to call our emergency contact number – 020 30 26 26 26, and press 9 at the menu.

NB: If the activity has already ceased, you should instead send an email.