I can't connect to my website, email or cPanel itself! Print

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Our cPanel servers feature a firewall which amongst other things monitors the login activity on the server in order to block attacks that involve repeatedly guessing different passwords in an attempt to break into and subsequently abuse your accounts.

If you've been trying to log into your FTP, or configure your email account on a mobile device, or even cPanel, and you get your password wrong a handful of times, the server will automatically block you for a period of one hour. When the automatic block kicks in, you will not be able to access ANY services on the server - such as viewing your website, accessing your email, logging in via FTP or even into the cPanel interface itself. Resellers who get blocked by the server will not be able to access ANY of their customer's sites on the server they have been blocked from. Rest assured that your site(s) remain(s) visible to the rest of the Internet and is NOT offline in these cases.

It's worth mentioning that if you change the password for an email account, any connection that has a computer or mobile device on it that is attempting to continue to login with the old password can very quickly trigger the password protection threshold as many people configure their devices to check their mail every minute or so.

We will shortly be implementing a self-service aspect to the online ordering system which will show you if you are currently blocked from any of the servers you have a service on, and allow you to unblock yourself. Otherwise, unless you have a pressing need to get back on the server, waiting one hour will generally be enough. If you do need to get back on sooner, or if you've waited an hour and you still can't get on and there are no service issues on the server you can't connect to on our Facebook or Twitter feeds, please drop us an email to support@lchost.co.uk and we'll do our utmost to help you out.

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