My email/FTP/website isn't working! Print

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We frequently receive support tickets from customers which simply say something like "My email isn't working" but provide no further information.

Because there's a multitude of potential causes for problems with Internet services, it's important for you to supply as much information as possible.

Please include at least:
  1. What your IP address is at the time the problem occurs (you can see this by hovering over the Status button at the bottom right of our website)
  2. How you are attempting to login to your account and with what software (eg: Windows PC using Outlook, or iPhone using the mail app, MacOSX using FileZilla)
  3. Any error messages you receive - it is EXTREMELY RARE to not receive ANY error messages whatsoever when problems occur
  4. What the server name is that you are trying to connect to for your account
  5. The username you are attempting to log in with (NB: Do not send us your password)
With this information we have a greatly increased chance of solving your query first time and getting you back working as soon as possible.

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